Friday, 27 February 2015

[向量圖形編輯器] Inkscape 0.91 繁體中文免安裝版


繁中語系切換:「File」→「Inkscape Preferences」→「Interface」→選擇「Chinese/Taiwan (zh_TW)」,然後關閉視窗後再重新啟動Inkscape就行了


[Android] Skype APK/APP下載 (語音通話、傳訊)

在行動中撥打 Skype 網內通話和視訊通話完全免費,撥打手機和有線電話費率超低。
與 Android、iPhone、Mac 或 PC 上的 Skype 好友開始語音通話和視訊通話,完全免費,無論親朋好友身在何處,都能和他們收發即時訊息。
- 透過 3G 或 WiFi 於 Skype 網內收發即時訊息、撥打視訊和語音通話完全免費*。
- 從您的 Android 手機以超低費率撥打到其他手機或有線電話,並收發手機簡訊。
- 發送照片、視訊和檔案給任何一位聯絡人。
- 撥打給 Skype 上的任何人都能享受高品質音效。
- 面對面通話,或是使用前方和後方鏡頭分享您要展示的內容。

如需更多資訊,請造訪 Android 手機專用 Skype 常見問題集頁面:
由於 Android 系統的限制,執行 Android 2.2 的裝置將只能使用前方鏡頭。使用 Android 2.3 或更新版本的裝置可使用前方或後方鏡頭。

如果您的手機使用 Android 2.2 (Froyo) 或更新的版本,但並未列於下列的清單中,仍然可以在 Skype 設定中啟用視訊通話。請注意,此狀況下視訊通話的品質可能不如下列受支援的手機。若無法啟用此設定,則代表您的手機無法使用視訊通話。
skype01 skype02


Thursday, 26 February 2015

Android Secret Codes For Smartphones: (Hidden Codes Chart)

Android Secret Codes For Smartphones
Android is one the most popular smartphone OS ever. Developers creates various kind of backdoor within the applications and operating systems. Through these backdoor any users who have sufficient knowledge can get into the system much deeper as compare to other users. As we all know Android is an open source operating system based on Linux Kernel and developed by Google. An Android operating system is most widely used in the world.
Android developers also creates many backdoor through which you can enter into the system and you can change settings. It is not meant to be used these backdoor for malicious intent because developers blocked some modes and these backdoor are the way or allow the users to enter into the system and let you become familiar to the system. In smartphone these backdoor are called "secret codes". These are the numeric/symbolic sequences which allow you to access system settings for several uses. So here we collect some Secret Hidden Codes for Android. May be some of them not work on specific device but you can try it if you can !

Note:- Some of these codes can reason for serious changes on your device assortment so please be advised run these codes on your own risk and don't play with them if you don't have sufficient knowledge about them.    

Common Android Secret Codes

  1. Factory restore setting
  2. Clear all application and data.
  3. Remove Google account setting.
  4. Remove System, application data and settings.
  1. Reinstall the phones firmware.
  2. Used for factory format.
  3. Remove all files and settings including the internal storage.
  4. Reinstall the firmware.
  1. Enabling test mode for service activity.
  2. Used to enter into Service mode.
  3. You can run and change various tests and settings in the service mode.
  1. Phone basic information.
  2. Phone usage detail.
  3. Battery information.
  1. Information about mobile camera.
  2. Get camera information.
  3. Note:- Please avoid update camera firmware option
  1. Changing the power button behavior.
  2. Enables the direct power off without asking for selecting any option (silent mode, Aeroplane and power off).
  1. Create backup to all your media files.
  2. Opens file copy screen where you can backup your media files like (images, videos and audios).
  1. For Google Talk service monitoring.
  2. Used to launch G Talk Service Monitor.
    1. Used to display product code.
        1. Used to know Battery Status.
          1. Software and Hardware Info.
          1. Let you know Ciphering Info.
            1. Data create menu.
                1. Data usage status.
                  1. OTA update menu.

                  WLAN, GPS and Bluetooth Test Android Secret Codes


                  1. WLAN Test.
                  1. Displays/Shows WiFi MAC address.
                  1. For quick GPS test.
                  1. Different type GPS test.
                  1. Bluetooth test.
                  1. Displays Bluetooth device address.

                  Firmware version information Android Secret codes

                  1. Let you know about FTA SW Version.
                  1. FTA Hardware Version.
                  1. Firmware Info PDA, Phone, H/W, RFCallDate.
                  1. PDA and Phone firmware info.
                  1. RF band selection
                  1. Diagnostic configuration.
                  1. USB 12C mode control.
                  1. USB logging control.
                  1. RIL dump menu.
                  1. Debug dump menu.
                  1. System dump mode.
                  1. Shows Build time changelist number.
                  2. PDA, Phone, CSC, Build Time, ChangeList number.
                  1. NAND flash serial number.
                  1. GCF mode status.

                  Factory Tests Android Secret Codes

                  1. Packet Loop-back test.
                  1. LCD test.
                  1. Audio/Melody test.
                  1. Vibration test and Back Light test Device test.
                  1. Displays Touch screen version.
                  1. Touch-Screen test.
                  1. Proximity sensor test.
                  1. RAM version.
                  1. Real time clock test.
                  1. Light sensor test.
                  1. Quick test menu.

                  PDA and Phone Android Secret Codes

                  1. Field test.
                  1. IMEI number.
                  1. Enables voice dialing logging mode.
                  1. Disables voice dialing logging mode.
                  1. Execute from Emergency dial screeen to unlock PUK code.
                  1. HSDPA HSUPA control menu.
                  1. View phone lock status.

                  Other Android Secret Codes

                  1. Galaxy S3 service menu.
                  1. Motorola DROID hidden service menu.
                  2. The default SPC password is six zeroes(000000).
                  1. LG Optimus 2x hidden service menu.
                  2. When prompted for a code enter six zeroes(000000).
                  1. Lg Optimus 3D hidden service menu.
                  2. When prompted for a code enter six zeroes(000000).

                   All the above given codes are tested and working fine but codes may not works single device. You can just try find which work or which not. Be alert while using them we are not responsible for any data loss or other problem. If you had any problem while trying must leave your comment.

                  Tuesday, 24 February 2015

                  Our New Mobile Price Blog Launched

                  We Have Created A Blog Which Helps U To Search Mobile Phones Prices Very Very Quickly .
                  So Visit My new blog and click on posts , try searching , and from a side bar click on search by brand and Share With your Friends If You Like My New Blog : Click Here To Visit

                  Monday, 23 February 2015

                  [免空上傳工具] File and Image Uploader 7.0.5 繁體中文免安裝版

                  File and Image Uploader」一個超方便的的免空上傳器,支援了250+以上的網路空間,上傳之後可以馬上取得下載網址,對常在分享檔案的網友來說是一個很方便的工具。[使用教學]

                  Sunday, 22 February 2015

                  Facebook Page Rename Trick 2015

                  New Way Of Changing Facebook Page Name Trick. Just follow easy steps By Steps Actually its not really official, Means its official but not for all countries, Its only for US and some countries, But we are using this by changing our computer IP address.

                1. Open your Google Chrome Browser.                                                                      
                2.              Chaning FaceBook Page Name                                      
                3. Simple Install Zen Mate Extension in Chrome.
                4. Now Input Your email and it will give you the password.
                5. Now Just restart your Google Chrome Browser.
                6. After restart just change Your Locations To USA location in Zen met.                   
                7.                          Chaning FaceBook Page Name                                                 
                8. Now simply login in Your Facebook account.
                9. Now Goto Desire page and click on Update Info.                                                 
                10.               Chaning FaceBook Page Name                                     
                11. Now Click on Change name or Edit option.
                12. You will see Request Change Option click on it.
                13. Then Now a new window open Automatcally.                                                        
                14.                Chaning FaceBook Page Name                                     
                15. I Need To Change the name of My Page.
                16. Just Choose any of these or you require.
                17. Now Fill Old Page name and Give New Name.
                18. Input Your Identity Of Government Issued Ids                                                       
                19.                   Chaning FaceBook Page Name                                             
                20. After all Just scan this and send it to Facebook using this.
                21. Now its done Facebook team will reply for Name Changed